Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Apple Turnovers

Warm apples in a buttery pastry pulled out of the oven transform a house into a home. 

As I type I can smell it all over again and I just can't help but smile.  We are currently selling our house and I thought what else can I do to make my house special and not one to forget.  I have been cleaning and straightening every day for multiple showings - not an easy task for a stay-at-homer with 2 young kids.  I love the way my house smells when I bake and I thought what can get more American than apple pie? Although, I needed something that was not messy and didn't require a fork!  I found a quick and easy recipe for apple turnovers.  They were a cinch since you use frozen dethawed puffed pastry.  I used a large spoonful of apples in each square and then folded them over. There were a ton of apples leftover so I refrigerated them and made a second batch a couple days later.  Perfect!

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